This was in Thailand back in February. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful beach. Thank you Mum for taking us!
Again, this was in Thailand when we rode on elephants. I fell in love there and then! Planning an elephant tattoo for some time in 2012.
This was our flatmate, Matt's 23rd birthday. The 10 second camera setting and mantlepiece comes in handy a lot for us.
The prawn pesto ciabatta and strawberries and cream was what I ate the day of the royal wedding. We went to Manchester to visit friends and headed out for a street party.
After saving up I was very proud to get back on the road again!
This was a night when I definitely had one too many.
My first Glastonbury. With the mud and rain there were certainly ups and downs. Here we are sitting on a pile of woodchip munching stonebaked pizza whilst doing shots of Tesco value Rosé (in a carton no less) in time to watch Example on the John Peel stage. It was EPIC.

The above picture is one of my favourites from Glasto.
Tinie Tempah was SO GOOD, check out the crowd if you don't believe me.
Overall thoughts on Glastonbury <see above picture>
This is me turning 23. Surprise picnic in the park and some inappropriate behaviour.
Yes, I know how to drive ships (drive??)
My lovely Mum, who now lives in Turkey, knows a boat person or two so we were lucky enough to go on a private voyage with our friends for my birthday. We had a little party with a steak dinner, slept on deck and got scared of sharks whilst snorkelling around the different bays.
You know when you remember food because it was beyond awesome? This is that, in Woolacombe for a friends birthday.
Felt very proud of my friends for the HEROIC effort made for Halloween this year.
My fantastic work bunch at our Christmas party. Best.Night.Ever
I took James to London for his birthday (which is a week before Christmas) and we pretty much just ate and drank our way round.
We did fit some shopping in too and we went ice skating at the Tower of London with our friends.
Still in London. This was the best burger I have ever tasted in my life. Ever. In my life. Stilton, dijon mustard, olive oil and rocket. TRY IT!
Onesie upon a time. My favourite-est colleague is off travelling the world, so this is how we sent her off.
Christmas eve.
New years eve. After watching the fireworks in London on't tele we headed upstairs to hang out of the skylights to see what explosive action Gloucester had to offer. We spent a good half hour shouting at the fireworks things like 'COME ON GB!!!' and at anyone that happened to be passing by too.
This is a little bit of a different blog post and also a little bit MASSIVE. I wanted to take you through how 2011 was for me and, honestly, looking back at my pictures it was actually a pretty epic year!
Apologies for the lack of posts, it's been a stupidly long time but I will continue to blame it on the fact that the UK has roughly 2 hours of natural light a day. Also I've been super busy with Christmas and all that.
I hope you've enjoyed looking at my life in 2011, it was grand, here's hoping for an even better 2012!
Happy New Year!